Rap Music: Structure, Techniques & Tips
Songs are one of the oldest languages that we all can speak. Scientists recently discovered a "music center" in the human mind, meaning that we respond to music much like other pleasing stimuli, such as gorgeous sights and smells. No wonder so many people love songs; who wouldn't want to enjoy the harmony and beauty of music! Songs also stay within our brains because we adore their structure, a rhythm, and mesmerizing rhyme, just like a beautiful garden of flowers! Song structure refers to how a song is put together. A common song format has an intro, a verse, a chorus, and then a bridge before ending on the outro. This format can look like this: Intro — Verse — Chorus — Verse — Chorus — Bridge — Chorus — Outro. This is an ABABCB structure with A representing intro, B representing the verse or pro-verse, C representing chorus or pre-chorus, and B representing the bridge. Importance of Song Structure The way we construct a song is an effective communication art form—whet...