Compose Better Rap Lyrics
Okay, so here’s how to write good rap lyrics for beginners and intermediate rappers.
Tell A Story
By this, I mean you need to learn how to pick a subject and stick to it from start to finish. In essence, you want to learn how to make story progress, meaning it needs a beginning, middle and an end.
Write About Real Life And Let People Relate To Your Rap Lyrics
Another way you can write better rap lyrics is to bring in things people can relate to. The best way to do this? Easy, by writing about things that happen in real life, often on a day to day basis. This is especially useful when writing battle rap lyrics.
For example, in your lyrics, you should talk about things you see on a daily basis. Mention streets where certain events take place, talk about brands you favour and dislike, and possibly even mention names of local people others will also know. Talk about how you personally feel about certain situations and world events, and just generally give people a real view of your life and the things around you.
Add More Or Fewer Words (Change Up The Speed)
When you write rap lyrics, you need to think about more than just the words you’re using. As well as writing good words into your lyrics, you need to think about how those words as going to be delivered.
Push Yourself Out Of Your Comfort Zone When Writing Lyrics
The last point I want to give you is this: Push your boundaries when it comes to lyric writing. It’s all too easy to fall into the habit of writing about the same kind of subjects and in the same style with the same flow. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it right? Well, yes and no.
Learn To Think Concerning Melody
I get it – you’re a rapper, not a singer. You want to put your available energies into crafting smart lyrics and developing your rapping style.
Read Broadly
No writer is a complete original, because they have been inspired by a variety of authors and writers. But that is also what helps them find their authentic, unique voice – they assimilate the writing style of many writers.
You can also study things like poetry, haiku, limericks, and other literary devices that could spark fresh inspiration.
Try Writing With Limitations
Writing lyrics with limitations also makes for a better story. When an interviewer asks you about the innovative song you wrote, you won’t be at a loss for words – you can say, “well, I used some self-enforced limitations to stretch myself.”
Your rap lyrics should be your own and show the real you in them. If they don’t do this, what’s going to make people listen to you over the already established rappers out there? If you can’t give fans a good alternative, then there’s no point. So, be sure your rap lyrics are on point.
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