Scanning & Checking Your Area The Right Way
Scanning is a tactic used in a large majority of Krav Maga schools in this day and age. The purpose of the scan is to check your area, for potential threats, for obstacles, for ways to escape, to survey your damage, and so on. Not all KM organizations use the scan, but all stress the importance of being aware of your surroundings; the risks, the opportunities, and knowing your environment. All Krav Maga practitioners should aim to increase their own awareness in the general sense and also while they are in the stages of physical contact and fighting. We need to be trained to utilize our environment and the things around it to our benefit, to help us survive, win, get away, etc. Therefore scanning is something that you must practice and learn properly. The issue I see all the time is people seem to be doing it mechanically and without much conscious thought. Under stress blood flow is primarily mid-brain and at the back of the brain (the hypothalamus) so it is difficult to really ...